Friday, January 13, 2012

word and quote of the day


"TODAY YOU ARE YOU!  That is truer than true!  There is no one alive that is you-er than you!"
-Dr. Seuss

Isn't that refresshing.  I am my own person.  So often I have to think about this.  It feels like I have one hundred people telling me what to do, what not to do, what i should or should not have done.  I am a grown woman and can make my own decicions weather they are right or wrong.  And I have to admit, a lot of times, they aren't the best.  But at least they are mine.  We are all unique and that is what makes us special.  I tell my kids this and hopefully one day they will understand.  Today I am grateful for just being me, and will try to be the best me I can be.  I'm Also grateful for my beautiful Magnolia Jane, who is crawling all over me right now because i am not giving her my undivided attention. and grateful for the pleasent morning- no screaming kids getting ready for school, threy were actually pleasant; for my husband taking them where they need to be, and for all the blessings bestowed upon me yesterday today and tomorrow!  I know it is hard asserting yourself and your uniqeness in such a small town where everyone seems to be trying to keep up with the "jones'", but I will make a vow to practice my own individuality if you will.  Please write me if you have any responses.  we'd love to get your feedback.  Make it happen- mem

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