Monday, December 8, 2014

The beauty in today

I have ups and downs. I have good days and bad days. The moments between the pics I post aren't always unicorns and rainbows. 
We see so many posts of happy people sharing their good times and accomplishments. But we are all human and face sucks sometimes. It's part of life. We learn from it. It makes us stronger. So, as much as I like to hear about all the happiness in everyone's life...I know that it's only a small percentage of the real life we all experience. And that's okay. 
I am learning to live for today. The everyday is good. The now is what we should focus on. Remember the past. Look forward to the future and live in the now. What a beautiful way to live. Each minute we have a choice to be happy or mad, angry, sad, joyful, playful. To love. That's what's important. Love yourself. Every minute. Life goes on even when we don't get our way. If our plans go awry...make new ones. Celebrate the idea of spontaneity. And cherish every moment. Don't hurt others. Sometimes this is easy, a friend asks you to do or not to do something specific that will hurt them. You have the choice to decide what's import. I have dealt with this recently...maybe that's why I am posting this.  Love yourself and hurting others won't be an option. That doesn't mean do what you means love yourself enough to know how your actions are going to affect others. Then when you are doing this you'll not ever feel regret for a selfish act. Or have to deal with someone that you care about that is hurting because of the the selfish act. You'll feel a contentment in your heart...a peace you created for and with those you love and those that love you. 
I chose to be happy today. Tomorrow I hope I choose to do the same, but for now...I hope my actions and love bring peace to you my friends. Peace in the moonlight. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Battle of Survival is too Much For Me

The battle of survival is too much for me. 

I choose to cease existing. I’m not fighting the fight anymore. 

I'll do my best to make life work for me, but I will not fight for it. I give up. Let the chips fall, and pray God takes me by the hand and leads me in the direction I’m supposed to go. 

This is me giving it away. Giving it to a higher power and doing what I’m told. Caring is beyond anything I could possibly do anymore. 

The hurt is waves crashing against me pulling me beneath the water and I don’t have the ability to swim. I’m tired.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Heartbreak at the River

I have feelings that I cannot control 
I have love that is lost to me
I hurt one hundred percent of the time
I ache where there is nowhere to ache
I Love when I know I won't be loved back 
I Believe when I know it's a lie
I know things when they happen without being told
My heart aches
I wish it would not fold like when a supernova turns into a black hole
I trust the untrustable
Love the unloveable 
Dream the undreamable
Wish the unthinkable
I see falling stars and the dark-side of the moon rainbows and fairies and stardust
But in my soul I have a deep dark lust to be normal like everyone else
Not to feel so deep into my subconscious self
I am so hurt 
My heat has been broken...shattered glass
A thousand small seeds that will hopefully grow into wild flowers instead of unbearable weeds
Friendship is hot and cold 
I have third degree burns
And I'm frozen in a death hold
I am shaking from anger and I feel I could be in danger from this magnificent ache and will live forever with this enormous heartbreak 
I walk outside and feel the heat which feels cool compared to the heat radiating from inside
My heart Is a millennium away 
My mind just as far- the sadness comes from- well, you know who you are 
I cannot go further though I must 
The river that I loved so much - I want to put rocks where they don't belong
Oh how I want that soul to hold on and not let this be my one last song
I am not depressed I just have feelings that I cannot suppress
It's a scary and sad feeling to know I'll not know how long I'll be reeling. 
Take me to the river take me the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river
Please just take me to the river one last time so I can put an end to this miserable rhyme. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sadness Isn't Contagious

I have been sad for the past few weeks. I would call it depression, but sad is more curious. Easier to explain. I have been so sad that I thought It may be contagious. My friend sat on the couch and watched me sleep night after night. He didn’t catch it. Another friend spent days with me and I laughed and cried and worried, but he didn’t catch it. I realize now it isn’t contagious. It’s only me. My feelings and you who were with me saved me. And cared and didn’t try to make me feel better. You just let me be. So, sadness is real. It’s a freedom we have to feel a certain way at a certain time. I love to have the ability to feel…sad. It’s okay. I will recover. And no one has to make me snap out of it. Just letting me be. Just being there with me. Freedom is ours. Feelings are ours for the taking. We can’t always choose to be happy and there is nothing wrong with that. Today I am happy. Tomorrow who knows. What I do know is that it’s all good. Happy, sad, excited or mad. Just be you at that time and place. The world will still revolve and our moods will resolve.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Should've left something to the Imagination II...

I'm forty. 
I've had more mistakes than positive moments in my adult life. 
I'm a divorcè with three children. 11, 9 and 3 1/2. 
There isn't one thing I love more in this world than those three souls. 
I'm in love with a man that will never love me back. 
This man consumes my days, we spend all day together on the days that I do not work
We have more in common than any other person in my life
I'm in love with a neurotic ass that is pretty decent most of the time. As long as I act right. He loves me and we've been together for close to a year. 
I am lucky 
I am blessed
I am grateful for all the blessings I've been granted
I am a true believer
I am strong in my faith
I like a slightly older man that treats me like a queen and I think of him often, though not as much as the man that will never love me. 
I'm neurotic, but in a loving obsessive completely unconditional sort of way. 
I am jealous of time. 
I am not jealous of other women or their looks but the time given them when I want it. 
I am filled with empathy. 
I'm a realist. 
I do not understand myself. 
I am borderline bipolar. 
I am mostly manic and anxious. 
When I am depressed though it lasts for weeks. Months sometimes. I cry and lose my sense of reality and the swirling in my brain is dizzying. 
I have an above average IQ. I have no idea how I want to use it. 
I have been arrested more times than I can remember. 
I am a felon. 
I could never hurt someone physically unless they were going to hurt my children or in self defense. 
I can kill someone with my sharp biting words when I'm angry. 
I will forget about it the next day, though most of the people I've abused this way cannot. 
I want to be taken care of emotionally and mentally and physically. 
I want to be taken care of financially. 
I want to love someone that returns the love unconditionally.  
I see a therapist. 
I love sex. 
I love love. 
I need love. 
This is just another list of me...

This is just some of me. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Friends and Lovers (Trying To Keep It Real)

So, a few months ago I got a message on Facebook asking if I needed help in a certain situation. I said yes, and agreed to meet him for coffee and discuss the issue. From that day on he was someone that I talked to. About everything. Friends. Hiking, swimming, fishing, hundreds of pictures of each other and together. Eventually as we learned each other we became inseparable. I told this person things I told no one else. I was completely myself. For the first time in years I had someone that I felt I was connected to heart and soul.   We are both in relationships. Not pushing the boudries of friendship. Then we started pushing those boundries. "You make me happy." "I wish I was there" "I wish you were here". But the core was a true connection of common interests and ideas. 
I thought. 
Last week he said you are so beautiful. He's told me many times. I have told him the same thing. But the next day no text. No phone call. Nothing. I have realized there is absolutely nothing I can do about this. I can't make anyone want to be my friend, confidant, love. When that person is ready to walk away, he or she is ready. My only regret in our short infinity of perfect togetherness is I got no closure.
I sent messages. Crazy, neurotic messages. I was in a low, very extreme manic low. I wasn't mean, I sent pictures, quotes, songs. I was nuts. I couldn't believe my happiness had been stripped from me in a single 12 hours. One extreme to another. In the meantime, my boyfriend and I were going through issues. He's been very supportive. I've removed myself from the situation and letting my soul walk away. Ill be fine. But in learning to let go I have been so crazed. I hope one day he will come back and give me the closure I so desperately need. But in the meantime I'm going to build a stronger base with my boyfriend. We agreed to drop all walls that were stopping us from fully understandimg each other. I love him. I love my soul that walked away without looking back. How do you ever find that easy true connection again? 
I read this the other day...I had no boundries with my soul. 
I would still welcome him back in my life with no questions, if he chose to do so. I do not see that happening. So I'm going with this little tidbit of advice I read...

It is important to have boundaries and to not reveal more or do more than you are completely comfortable with. With that in mind, opening up and getting to know someone does take a certain amount of patience. Assess each new partner as an individual, and stay keenly connected with how you experience yourself while in his or her presence. You need someone with whom you can reveal your authentic self, not just a piece of you—and you are the only one who can bring that full you to the table.

Another piece I read...



It amazes me. Every day. With it’s highs and lows, ups and downs… It’s amazing.

Can you feel it? Or is your mind somewhere else?

As you read this, wherever you are; take a moment to stop. Close your eyes.


Feel the beating of your heart. The sounds of your surroundings. The earth beneath your feet.

Connect to this very moment.

Open your eyes. Know that wherever you are, whatever your life situation, there is one fundamental fact that will never escape you: you are here. Right now. Connecting to the present moment is the simplest way to recognize the beauty of being.

In our busy lives, it’s also the easiest to forget. So remember. And give a silent thank you to everything that is. You are alive! That alone is a miracle.

Find your glimpses of enlightenment, and cherish them.

Whatever you are holding on to… If it’s holding you back—let it go. If it’s no longer serving you—let it go.

If it doesn’t make you happy—let. it. go.

Life is meant to be lived light, with light, from light, through light. Don’t let your past weigh you down.

There is no limit to what you can manifest in your life when you let go of fear.

Don’t let fear guide you. See only love. Move where love wants you to move.

Let love lead the way.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Write It Out Loud

To start I have a gratitude list that is so long it would be another post. 
But I'll tell you this to keep it all real. 

"We have met the enemy and he is us"
"The first casualty of war is the truth"-uk

So I've done it again. Years of holding my head up and facing the world. Prayer and a real hand to hold. Not the fake marriage hand hold. Then...
RELAPSE in an unlucky time and place. It didn't even cross my mind that's what was happening. Rough year. Really rough. In my mind...compared to others it could be called a down time with no direction. 
Prayer wasn't working. My prescribed medications weren't working. So I got some anxiety medicine from a friend at a gas station where some undercover cops were doing a prostitution sting. Oh my! Gun pulled scared to death and had no idea why. I hadn't done this in a VERY long time. I mean nothing comes before my children...until February 12. Then my depression came first. All I cared about was getting those pills to make me forget for a few days. 
Man have I paid for it. As I should. I take full responsibility for my actions. I got tossed in jail, pumped up cops that "have to pull the Mel Gibson on your ass" don't care that your ex boyfriend died a month before, you got laid off a week before, that your car is at a hatchet shop recommended by a "friend" who stole your money and your plates, and your three kids might be a little heavy at the moment. Or that your ex husband is truly no help in any situation that will interfere with his "social" life. They just know a white woman was talking to a black man and that for some reason seemed odd to them. (Sound a bit prejudice?) but hey do the crime pay the the fine, or in my case a short time. 
So now the depression is quadrupled. My kids are scared to be with me. My ex is giving the lecture a normal hypicrit would, and I still don't have my -get me away from all this bs -pills. 
A lose lose lose. 
Know, the only thing that matters in ANY of this is I'm temporarily losing my every other week joint custody to the man who I don't even know where they stay when in his custody. Gratefully I see them whenever I ask. Thank God. BUT, I made a major fuck up. So much for the progress made over the past two years. No kids. Three court dates and fines out the ass. And yes all while unemployed. Being a recovering, no not recovered a trying hard, really wanting it recovering drug addict. I want to put blame everywhere. But when I looked in the mirror, at my kids, at my parents, at my new boyfriend whom I'v grown very fond of I have no one to blame but my self. 
So I realize all my actions have consequences. I hurt relationships of my children and their friends bc of how the parents see me. How horrible is that. Fuck Me! I am a great mom and friend and girlfriend and citizen, why does my brain make these horrible decisions. I pray. I'm in touch with my god. I pray all the time. A constant. All I can think is that my selfrightious attitude gets in the way if I am not working on whose in charge of my will at all times. I can think and pray god is in charge but at times like these obviously I have tossed that aside and made an unconscious decision to do what I want and do not even think about consequences. I mean consequences??? What are those? 
Oh, yeah!! Everything that I am experiencing right now. Hurt kids, friends, parents, pocketbooks, my relationship with god. dad said to me, 40 year old me, "maybe this time you've learned your lesson. I am going to have to give up, your killing me". The blood in my veins is this mans. I'm killing him. I'm killing an incredible life that I have been blessed with, thanks to my parents, and I'm killing them. 
Take a bite of that and swallow it. 
I am vowing to my parents, children, god, friends and to MYSELF this is it. I have three court dates in the next three weeks and I am giving all my worries and fears and perscriptions to god. It's over. It's a new day. I am a new person. And it only took someone that at the same time is old and new to me to open my eyes. To care without judging. To love without condition. To make me want to be better for myself, my kids and my family, For him whether we last as a coulple or as great friends. I've wanted this forever but never had the unconditional closeness I feel I need, I know I want, to keep my eyes open. Sometimes it just takes sincerity. This is my story of the past several months. For all of you asking questions that are concerned or just like watching a woman in a painful place fail. 
It's the last time. And I've never said it or written it out loud. Like I always say make  it happen. Well it's my turn. Unconditional love to all. 

Last quote with text from elephant journal

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Love Hate and Keeping it Real on Facebook.

I read an article about envy inducing Facebook. Some of this is from a post written by the author, with many tweets and truths I've added from my life... Many of you have been friends with me long enough to know I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. So I felt this was an appropriate post to express why...I have to keep it real. 

I have some really shitty days and some really good days. I cry, I yell, I laugh.

Sometimes, I get upset and I send impulsive texts filled with nonsense to my boyfriend, that I wish I could erase before they turn green. 

There are days I feel confused, and days everything makes sense.

I have issues with my parents. My Ex. (My fault because they are wonderful) I have issues. Period.

I get lonely, really lonely–I cry and then, I get over it.
I get angry, really angry–I yell or I cry and then, I get over it. 

I look in the mirror in the morning, and I hate my hair. 

Sometimes I want to throw my children out of a window because they drive me crazy when they fight. Which I have to admit in my case they rarely fight. They are good kids. I still have my issues, and they can drive me crazy!

When I'm lonely, completely out of my element OR happy with my boyfriend I will sometimes lay on the couch watching ID crime dramas, eating a tub of salted caramel ice cream. 

I will go to sleep tonight whenever I can, if I can, because that’s how I roll. I don’t have a glamorous social life, but since my divorce I miss going out. Fundraising, the Art Center, hanging with friends. Most is my fault. I isolate. 

Social media sometimes gives off an impression that everyone's life is perfect. 

Well, life is what happens between the snapshots. The real "us".  (From a movie, lol). 

Anyway, I stay on Facebook to see the happiness in your lives. If we all complained all the time, that wouldn't be much fun. I stay for the news. I refuse to compare my life to yours. I don't envy anyone's happiness. And I doubt anyone envies mine. 

Life isn't perfect, but I enjoy seeing the great parts of your life. Your beautiful faces and families. And I enjoy sharing with you. Just keep in mind, Facebook is usually the best of...good news, fun with kids, vacations. The good. There is still the real living we don't see, but it's there for all of us. 

Life is life...and I'll continue Just trying to keep it real.  This is the real morning me... Needing coffee, to actually WAKE UP! And a shower. Love yourself FIRST! Love your babies. And then you will be much easier to love. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Should Have Left Something To The Imagination

I cuss like a sailor.
I'm anxious as fuck.
I love the night sky.
I think the summer and winter solstices are magical.
I like npr.
I'm a bad driver.
I'm full of love for everything.
I'm brutally honest.
I talk to much.
I love my kids more than anything else in the world.
I'm loyal to a fault. Even when it's time to let go, I'll stay a loyal friend for life.
I've been hurt a lot and I ALWAYS forgive and forget.
I don't understand when people say one isn't capable of love.
I make promises to people I keep.
I make promises to myself I don't.
I like to be with people, but be alone. I guess I like comfortable silence.
Since I was a child, I have been uncomfortable with myself.
I am a master at faking that fact.
I am overly confident in myself.
I AM AN OXYMORON (conundrum) depending on my mood.
Both previous statements are true.
I have found a comfort and peace.
Blame it on circumstance, and I'm fine with it.
I love history. Esp. 1300-1700 England.
If I were to leave the country right now and go anywhere it would be England, then Patagonia.
I could live in Costa Rica for the rest of my life and be satisfied.
I don't like to sleep in my bed alone.
I love to go to the river and watch the stars and listen to the movement of the water.
I talk to god about 100 times a day.
I love key lime pie, dulce de leche ice cream, coffee.
Graphic Design is something I wish I had studied at college. I have books and books and more books about it.
I love photography.
Analog or digital.
Portraits are my favorite.
I'm a gypsy at heart.
I love to a fault.
Needing reassurance is a major personal defect.
I'm a bad cook.
I worry about everything.
I'm fighting depression every minute of the day.
I feel very blessed and lucky to be alive.
I've thought about killing myself many times, but know I'd never go through with it.
I think it gives me perspective, and I'm not that weak. God is my strength.
I'm not a waste of time or space.