Friday, January 20, 2012

word and quote of the day


"You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner.  If you actually learn to like being a beginner, THE WHOLE WORLD OPENS UP TO YOU."
-Barbara Sher

i have been reading about blogs, "learning the lingo" so to speak.  i really enjoy blogging almost daily even though there is no rules to follow. what i have learned is that people that read your blog are interested in the person, and want me to be true to myself... be myself.  i feel i have done this, but am going to start giving you little tidbits of me.  what i want is little tidbits of you my readers, as well.  i love feedback, your feelings on things, pictures of you, what you want to know, and if i don't know i will certainly try to find out. lets get to know each other.

for starters, i am beginning to learn new things all the time.  i am an artist.  i paint, do photography- mostly analog- love  the best source of analog photos you'll ever find.  my favorite camera is the diana+. i use instagram and hipstamatic apps on my phone, hipstamatic being my favorite!  i do embroidery, and just got a sewing machine and am very excited to learn to sew with the machine rather than by hand (my husband is still threading the machine for me because i just can't get the hang of it).  blogging is new to me.  i love design magazines, dwell, habitus, living etc. to name three of a hundred i read monthly.  love reading books.  collect journals, notebooks, pens; and a lot of time i don't use them they are for me to look at and keep pristine. I also have many, many books. i have three kids- 9, 6 and 1.  they are my true loves.  i will be posting pictures of these things that are important to me soon, i just wanted to let you know where i am coming from in this new blog that i am enjoying immensely.

thanks for reading- mem

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

word and quote of the day


"Chart your own course."  -Proverb

it's never too late...

to stop blaming others

It's the easy way out.
It brings us no credit.
It gives others power over us.
Ultimately we  must take control of our own lives.
Make our own decisions.
Cop the blame.
When we do, it liberates us.
Take charge.

this is taken from a book i reference a lot called    It's Never Too Late... 172 simple acts to change your life  by Patrick Lindsay.  I highly recommend it, there is so much we can learn at any age.  Also Paul Arden's book IT'S NOT HOW GOOD YOU ARE,IT'S HOW GOOD YOU WANT TO BE  is very informative, almost all you need to know to be successful in this unpredictable time.

make it happen- mem

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Word and quote of the day


"DO IT NOW! As soon as possible is too damn late."
- Pat Croce

I am a procrastinator! No getting around it. Today I am making the decision to make it happen! Also I will have a positive attitude today. My choices I make have an impact on everyone around me, and I will be aware! Have a good day. -Mem

Monday, January 16, 2012

Word and quote of the day


This quote is from a book called "love (luv) n." By-Karen Porter Sorenson

"love (luv) n. --because love really is in the eye of the beholder.

This was part of the "street dictionary" the author gathered from random people on the streets in random cities. This is what the little boy said he loved,
"Mama, papa, my brother,my grandmas and grandpa are so lovely, aunts, uncles, cousins, normal toys, trucks, chickens, I like my garden, I like clouds, kitties. I love them. I like trees, plants, grass, houses, paint, ladders, candy, flowers, gardens, Peter Rabbit. I love him.
-Three-Year Old Kai

Wow! How wonderful to be so innocent. Such a pure love. It seems like everyone has lost sight of unconditional love. Many of my friends are now or just recently going through divorce and this makes me think about how much we've lost in this age of globalization. We have so much access to other men and women, with cell phones and computers, online dating. It seems to make it so much easier to give up on our old dreams of wife and kids, and make new dreams. Yes, wouldn't it be fun to go out on a date. No financial worries or kids to worry about, but that just isn't reality. Of course circumstances are different for everyone but relationships are hard work; especially when children are involved. Is it just me or is everyone looking for the easy road. For me it's til death so us part. I am thankful for my family today and every day. Thankful for the beautiful clouds, my health, friends and the little bunny rabbit I saw run across the back yard this morning. Could it have been Peter?


Friday, January 13, 2012

word and quote of the day


"TODAY YOU ARE YOU!  That is truer than true!  There is no one alive that is you-er than you!"
-Dr. Seuss

Isn't that refresshing.  I am my own person.  So often I have to think about this.  It feels like I have one hundred people telling me what to do, what not to do, what i should or should not have done.  I am a grown woman and can make my own decicions weather they are right or wrong.  And I have to admit, a lot of times, they aren't the best.  But at least they are mine.  We are all unique and that is what makes us special.  I tell my kids this and hopefully one day they will understand.  Today I am grateful for just being me, and will try to be the best me I can be.  I'm Also grateful for my beautiful Magnolia Jane, who is crawling all over me right now because i am not giving her my undivided attention. and grateful for the pleasent morning- no screaming kids getting ready for school, threy were actually pleasant; for my husband taking them where they need to be, and for all the blessings bestowed upon me yesterday today and tomorrow!  I know it is hard asserting yourself and your uniqeness in such a small town where everyone seems to be trying to keep up with the "jones'", but I will make a vow to practice my own individuality if you will.  Please write me if you have any responses.  we'd love to get your feedback.  Make it happen- mem

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

word and quote of the day


"Action is the antidote to despair."- Joan Baez

Good Morning everyone. Remember you can't changel everything,  but you can change your attitude.  I woke up this morning and made a concsience decision to have a positive attitue!

Monday, January 9, 2012

word and quote of the day


"Always shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you might grab a star as you go by."
-Pat Crose

What a day.  Woke up with Strep Throat. No fun at all, got antibiotic though so I'm back in business.
The question of the day is: when you are a diehard Razorback fan, who you rooten for in the national championship game?  LSU or Alabama?  Well for me, I am pulling for the tigers.  Before anyone thinks I'm totally insane, this is my reason.  My fabulous cousin, Chad, graduated from LSU and lives in Louisiana, and for his sake when it comes to games this big I'll always be for him.  Family first, right? Hope everyone enjoys the game.  Share some laughs with friends and family and grab a star as you do.  Make it happen- Mem

P.S. One of my favorite blogs is Seth's Blog.  I posted the link below.

Seth's Blog: Out on a limb

Seth's Blog: Out on a limb

Saturday, January 7, 2012

word and quote of the day


do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.

good saturday morning!  sometimes i feel like a broken record, or as my kids would say i'm stuck on repeat; but, we have to be grateful everyday for the things we have-food, shelter, toys, computers and our friends, family and our health!  it's so easy to lose sight of what's important living in this world of excess.  I feel the hardest part is making my boys understand their feelings of entitlement will get them nowhere.  i do take into consideration they are only six and eight, but it has already started.  today we are giving away a large portion of their toys and i hope they will enjoy taking them to a daycare or church for the kids there to play with.  i hope everyone is having a nice weekend especially since the hogs won the cotton bowl. what fun. i'm grateful to wake up this morning and share with you,  to watch pokemon with my three babies, to be going to hot springs this afternoon to see my family.  thanks, mem

Friday, January 6, 2012

Word and Quote of the day

Success "The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers." -Brian Tracy Now we chose this word and quote in honor of the Cotton Bowl today. I couldn't let this day pass without saying "GO HOGS!" Our attitude is a choice and even though I had 2 hours sleep and my husband Jamie is running wild; the kids were great this morning before school, and Magnolia Jane is pulling everything out of every cabinet (very smart). I am a happy woman. Please everyone have a nice morning and use your extra ten minutes to work to name at least five to ten things your grateful for. My gratitude list: My smart children My beautiful best friend, Liz The hogs playing in the cotton bowl Warm winter days My lovely parents Food in the kitchen The Today Show Make it happen. Mem


It's the weekend! Hope everyone is ready for it. I am making my coffee right now, so I guess I'll be ready in about half an hour. More for you and your weekend then. Mem

New Years Resolutions!

Make a decision to have a positive attitude daily.
Make time for myself. A bit difficult with three kids.
Exercise daily.
See Tom Petty in concert in April. The last artist I have to see in this lifetime.
Work hard on my marriage. Last year was difficult.
Read with kids every night.
Start my own business. Soon.
Post in our blog everyday. And hopefully you will be intrigued.

getting in the swing of things...

sorry about that last post.  just getting used to this and was syncing to my phone.  i guess we better watch what we say... no telling what might show up on postscript!!