Friday, March 15, 2013

VERNOREXIA- a romantic mood inspired by spring

If it were any more beautiful outside I'd be wishing for the second coming just to be closer to the beauty of the heavens today! Don't stay in all day. Enjoy it. Spring is my favorite time of year. The new buds and tiny leaves. The wet soil in your hands as you clean up your flower or vegetable gardens. Watching the kids skate, play soccer, just run around enjoying the fresh air not thinking of the newness in everything. It's a time when I'm satisfied with what I either have or have not. I'm sorry for the loss of someone close to my friends, but what a beautiful time to be delivered to the heavens. Sometimes happiness and sadness coincide with each other. It's bittersweet. But today I will relish in having my children and this glorious day. Our attitude is a choice and today is a perfect example of how easy it is to be positive, happy and understanding. Welcome spring. I've been waiting for the peace and vernorexia you bring.

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