Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Refuse to be Ordinary

Life is life. Happy, sad, exciting, scary and yes sometimes just boring. It is up to us to decide what to do with it. I have made many decisions in my life. Good and bad. Really what I want is to just find happiness. But I also want to find that happiness by doing extraordinary things. Meaning... I want to be able to be myself and accomplish what I strive to do. But not be too disappointed of it doesn't work out. At least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I have done my best. I wish all of us the ability to make this happen. Love with all your heart. Think using your head. Live like there is no tomorrow. It takes a lot of work for me to do these things. Sometimes my bed calls my name all during the day. Like a devil on my shoulder saying give it up. You can't do this, you don't have it in you. Well, yes I do. And friends are an important part of it. As is family. So like I tell myself every morning... Make it happen! We choose our attitude and I have chosen a positive attitude this morning. I know I'll have to make that decision again tomorrow and the next and so on but I am ready. I might have to make that decision five times today. We will see. Smiles. I like this picture, but instead of never loving them; love them with all your heart! Let us show everyone we are not ordinary. I am who I am and that is pretty extraordinary.!

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are! (EXTRAordinary) But how boring life would be if it was full of ordinary people. SO, I think the bottom line to your post and a good point it makes without being said is to be careful who you pick to be in your life. Who you choose to let in your heart... Because those that really love us will never treat you like you're ordinary. It being Springtime, it's a good time to weed out your friends and/or acquaintances as well and pick new ones or stick with the bulbs that keep on blooming! I'm so lucky this year that I don't have any weeds to pull and am forever grateful for the blooms in my life.
    Thanks Friends! If it weren't for you all, I wouldn't have made it to this point nor get through the rest to come!
    Always Loving...
