Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Forty-one and Fabulous

So...I'm forty-one and fabulous. Things are going well. I really have had some
Inner struggles the past few months, and taken them out on my closest friends. I have prayed and meditated. Walked and talked (mostly to myself). But I have decided To let go of many of my worries and just take care of myself and my kids. Not worrying about boyfriends or or anything distracting. Looking at school and different arts. Finding books and options for bettering my life. Making positive moves for the next chapter. 
The only reason I am writing about this in my blog...which I'll be trying to keep updated more frequently, is that I received a text from my exhusbands girlfriend, without his knowledge, calling me an old hag that needs to wear caked up makeup to cover my old hag face...and. Yes, my first reaction was to retaliate, but then thought better of it, and started realizing how hard it must be to date a man that's been married and has three children. There would be some lashing out and a touch of jealousy. So I started reevaluating my life from the inside out. I am happy and at peace. Let go of the marriage long ago and love my three children more Than anything. I walk A LOT and feel like I'm in pretty good shape and every wrinkle has a story. Some of the happiest I could ever imagine. So all you ex wives having to deal with ex's younger girlfriends...let it go. It's not our problem anymore. 
I love being forty-one. I feel an inner peace. I don't have to prove anything to anyone and I feel an outward peace wrinkles and all. No makeup required...peace love and happiness. Make the best of the rest and live like you are the star of your own musical. Life is good. This is me... Wrinkles and all!

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