I have feelings that I cannot control
I have love that is lost to me
I hurt one hundred percent of the time
I ache where there is nowhere to ache
I Love when I know I won't be loved back
I Believe when I know it's a lie
I know things when they happen without being told
My heart aches
I wish it would not fold like when a supernova turns into a black hole
I trust the untrustable
Love the unloveable
Dream the undreamable
Wish the unthinkable
I see falling stars and the dark-side of the moon rainbows and fairies and stardust
But in my soul I have a deep dark lust to be normal like everyone else
Not to feel so deep into my subconscious self
I am so hurt
My heat has been broken...shattered glass
A thousand small seeds that will hopefully grow into wild flowers instead of unbearable weeds
Friendship is hot and cold
I have third degree burns
And I'm frozen in a death hold
I am shaking from anger and I feel I could be in danger from this magnificent ache and will live forever with this enormous heartbreak
I walk outside and feel the heat which feels cool compared to the heat radiating from inside
My heart Is a millennium away
My mind just as far- the sadness comes from- well, you know who you are
I cannot go further though I must
The river that I loved so much - I want to put rocks where they don't belong
Oh how I want that soul to hold on and not let this be my one last song
I am not depressed I just have feelings that I cannot suppress
It's a scary and sad feeling to know I'll not know how long I'll be reeling.
Take me to the river take me the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river take me to the river
Please just take me to the river one last time so I can put an end to this miserable rhyme.