Wow... So I have been in the middle of a break up with someone I really thought I cared about. It saddens me when people can't have the decency to treat each other w respect during horrible times like this.
There is a country song by The Zack Brown Band that talks about being able to tell it was over in her kiss. Well, I knew it was over about a month ago. I was doing things to try to make it work that I would never ordinarily do. I
thought I loved him. But I was told by him, in the heat of argument, my art sucks, my blog is nothing but whining and crying, and I have no career. All this was in the middle of being called a lying, slut whore, an Ignorant, stupid, clingy, needy bitch, and that I think my shit "don't stink".
Now I feel like a person has a right to say what ever they want on their own blog. Sometimes it's a good positive message, sometimes maybe sad, informative and occasionally a little bit whiny. You see it's my blog and I write what I feel and what I think you might be interested in. I just want everyone to know that no one should belittle themselves by taking any kind of abuse; physical, verbal, mental, emotional anything that makes them feel like they are less than perfect. We are all good by nature. The person delivering the abuse is the one with the problem and they cannot be helped until they realize they have a problem.
Arguments occur, they are inevitable, BUT there is a way to be civil. There are hotlines for physical abuse. I am going to do a lot of research on the other forms of abuse that men and women experience everyday. I will not be a victim.
This is not the blog post I wanted to share for my first post of the new year. I have so much positive energy to share, but I felt you should know this happens to many people without us even knowing about it. I love you all and hope you will be aware of how you are being treated and how you treat others. I wish you all peace and happiness in this glorious new year. I have so many things to be grateful for, and my next blog will be uplifting and positive. And like I always say make it happen, because no one is gonna do it for you
"Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past." - Into The Wild.